heterosexual. In contrast to the 'make-out' bars, are the plush cocktail lounges, some of them in the city's better hotels. These are frequented by local businessmen and out-of-towners-plus occasional more or less innocent homosexual visitors." The picture? A few Ku Klux Klanners. And another picture, of a prostitute being put into the paddy wagon, says, "A practicing heterosexual goes to jail for her misdeeds." Editor Guy Strait reported that many homosexuals didn't understand the humor, took the article seriously and wrote him that, "honestly, all heterosexual's aren't like that."


Many homosexuals and heterosexuals consider themselves to be doing society a service, as well as themselves, by picking up lost and lonely boys and young men and giving them a place to stay, money and "love." A case is reported in Scottsdale, Arizona, in which a James Douglass McDonald, unemployed foundry worker from Michigan, confessed the murder of Dale L. McConnell, prominent Scottsdale music teacher. Like most vagrants, McDonald had a wife back home, where he was wanted for non-support. He had met McConnell in a bar. Private charity is noble, but also deadly. It would be wiser to have some one trained do the job. Money could much more wisely be given to organizations, such as ONE.


Asst. Police Chief Melvin Harbauer reports that there is a sharp rise in homosexual activities in San Bernardino. He says his three vice-squadders arrested 40 sus-

pects during a week-long crackdown (June). Harbauer gives his own "expert" opinion that "the homosexual activities may surpass the menace of dope addiction in the near future." He sermonizes that, "There are those who insist that homosexuals are a problem for the medical profession . . and not the police. But we can't fool ourselves into believing that allowing the 'sickness' to continue unchecked will provide a solution." Harbauer opines that past records show that none of the persons arrested had ever sought medical help. He claims there are clubs directing homosexual activities. ONE has no knowledge of them. It sounds merely like another cop trying to show how good and needed he is, in hopes of a raise in pay. We also hear violins playing in the background as he reports how hard it is under the present laws to apprehend homosexuals, since they can't be arrested for acts committed in private. So brave and duty conscious are the vicesquadders that they give of their own time attempting to curb the growth of sex perversion. Sounds as if they like their work.


The above was the headline over the story in the Wilshire Reporter for Aug. 5th covering a recent Los Angeles Mattachine meeting that was booked for the Beverly Hilton. The Reporter told the story this way:

"For a while last week, it looked as though the staid precincts of Beverly Hills, right in the middle of the city's Golden Anniversary, were to be invaded by a convention of organized homosexuals. But Police Chief Clinton H. Anderson saved the day.